When Does Adolescent Egocentrism Begin and When Does It Appear Again

Chapter xx: Cognitive Development in Boyhood

  • Describe Piaget'due south formal operational stage and the characteristics of formal operational idea
  • Describe adolescent egocentrism
  • Draw Data Processing inquiry on attention and memory
  • Describe the developmental changes in language
  • Describe the various types of boyish pedagogy
  • Identify changes in high schoolhouse drop-out rates based on gender and ethnicity

Piaget's Formal Operational Stage During the formal operational stage, adolescents are able to understand abstract principles which have no concrete reference. They can at present contemplate such abstract constructs as beauty, love, liberty, and morality. The adolescent is no longer express by what tin be directly seen or heard. Additionally, while younger children solve problems through trial and error, adolescents demonstrate hypothetical-deductive reasoning, which is developing hypotheses based on what might logically occur. They are able to recall about all the possibilities in a situation beforehand, and and so test them systematically (Crain, 2005). Now they are able to engage in true scientific thinking.

Formal operational thinking also involves accepting hypothetical situations. Adolescents sympathise the concept of transitivity, which ways that a relationship between ii elements is carried over to other elements logically related to the first ii, such as if A<B and B<C, then A<C (Thomas, 1979). For example, when asked: If Maria is shorter than Alicia and Alicia is shorter than Caitlyn, who is the shortest? Adolescents are able to answer the question correctly
as they sympathize the transitivity involved.

Does everyone accomplish formal operations? According to Piaget, most people attain some degree of formal operational thinking but use formal operations primarily in the areas of their strongest interest (Crain, 2005). In fact, most adults do not regularly demonstrate formal operational idea, and in small villages and tribal communities, it is barely used at all. A possible caption is that an private's thinking has not been sufficiently challenged to demonstrate formal operational thought in all areas.

Adolescent Egocentrism: Once adolescents can sympathise abstract thoughts, they enter a world of hypothetical possibilities and demonstrate egocentrism or a heightened self-focus. The egocentricity comes from attributing unlimited power to their own thoughts (Crain, 2005). Piaget believed information technology was not until adolescents took on adult roles that they would be able to learn the limits to their own thoughts.

David Elkind (1967) expanded on the concept of Piaget's adolescent egocentricity. Elkind theorized that the physiological changes that occur during adolescence result in adolescents being primarily concerned with themselves. Additionally, since adolescents fail to differentiate between what others are thinking and their own thoughts, they believe that others are just as fascinated with their beliefs and appearance. This belief results in the boyish anticipating the reactions of others, and consequently amalgam an imaginary audience. "The imaginary audience is the adolescent's belief that those effectually them are as concerned and focused on their advent as they themselves are" (Schwartz, Maynard, & Uzelac, 2008, p. 441). Elkind thought that the imaginary audience contributed to the self-consciousness that occurs during early on adolescence. The desire for privacy and reluctance to share personal information may exist a further reaction to feeling nether constant ascertainment by others. Alternatively, recent inquiry has indicated that the imaginary audience is not imaginary. Specifically, adolescents and adults feel that they are often nether scrutiny by others, especially if they are active on social media (Yau & Reich, 2018).

Some other important consequence of boyish egocentrism is the personal fable or belief that one is unique, special, and invulnerable to harm. Elkind (1967) explains that because adolescents feel and so important to others (imaginary audience) they regard themselves and their feelings as being special and unique. Adolescents believe that just they accept experienced potent and various emotions, and therefore others could never empathise how they feel. This uniqueness in 1'southward emotional experiences reinforces the adolescent'due south belief of invulnerability, particularly to death. Adolescents will appoint in risky behaviors, such as drinking and driving or unprotected sex, and feel they will not suffer any negative consequences. Elkind believed that boyish egocentricity emerged in early on boyhood and declined in middle adolescence, notwithstanding, recent research has also identified egocentricity in tardily adolescence (Schwartz, et al., 2008).

Consequences of Formal Operational Thought: As adolescents are now able to retrieve abstractly and hypothetically, they showroom many new means of reflecting on information (Dolgin, 2011). For example, they demonstrate greater introspection or thinking about 1's thoughts and feelings. They brainstorm to imagine how the world could be which leads them to become idealistic or insisting upon high standards of behavior. Because of their idealism, they may become critical of others, especially adults in their life. Additionally, adolescents can demonstrate hypocrisy, or pretend to be what they are not. Since they are able to recognize what others expect of them, they will conform to those expectations for their emotions and beliefs seemingly hypocritical to themselves. Lastly, adolescents tin exhibit pseudostupidity. This is when they approach issues at a level that is too complex, and they neglect because the tasks are as well simple. Their new ability to consider alternatives is non completely nether command and they appear "stupid" when they are in fact bright, but not experienced.

Information Processing

Cognitive Control: As noted in earlier chapters, executive functions, such as attention, increases in working memory, and cerebral flexibility have been steadily improving since early childhood. Studies take found that executive role is very competent in adolescence. However, self-regulation, or the power to control impulses, may still fail. A failure in self-regulation is especially true when there is high stress or loftier need on mental functions (Luciano & Collins, 2012). While high stress or demand may tax even an adult'south cocky-regulatory abilities, neurological changes in the adolescent encephalon may make teens particularly decumbent to more risky decision making nether these conditions.

Anterior and Deductive Reasoning: Inductive reasoning emerges in childhood and occurs when specific observations, or specific comments from those in say-so, may exist used to draw full general conclusions. This is sometimes referred to as "bottom-upward-processing". However, in inductive reasoning, the veracity of the data that created the full general conclusion does not guarantee the accuracy of that conclusion. For instance, a child who has simply observed thunder on summertime days may conclude that it only thunders in the summertime. In contrast, deductive reasoning emerges in adolescence and refers to reasoning that starts with some overarching principle and based on this proposes specific conclusions. This is sometimes referred to as "top-downwardly-processing". Deductive reasoning guarantees a truthful conclusion if the premises on which it is based are accurate.

Figure half-dozen.12

Intuitive versus Analytic Thinking: Cognitive psychologists often refer to intuitive and analytic thought as the Dual-Process Model; the notion that humans take 2 distinct networks for processing information (Albert & Steinberg, 2011). Intuitive thought is automatic, unconscious, and fast (Kahneman, 2011), and it is more experiential and emotional. In dissimilarity, analytic thought is deliberate, witting, and rational. While these systems collaborate, they are distinct (Kuhn, 2013). Intuitive thought is easier and more unremarkably used in everyday life. It is as well more than commonly used by children and teens than by adults (Klaczynski, 2001). The quickness of adolescent thought, along with the maturation of the limbic system, may brand teens more than prone to emotional intuitive thinking than adults.


In early adolescence, the transition from elementary school to heart school can be difficult for many students, both academically and socially. Crosnoe and Benner (2015) found that some students became disengaged and alienated during this transition which resulted in negative longterm consequences in academic operation and mental health. This may be because middle schoolhouse teachers are seen as less supportive than simple schoolhouse teachers (Brass, McKellar, Northward, & Ryan, 2019). Similarly, the transition to high school can be difficult. For example, high schools are larger, more bureaucratic, less personal, and there are less opportunities for teachers to get to know their students (Eccles & Roeser, 2016).

Peers: Certainly, the beliefs and expectations about academic success supported by an boyish's family unit play a significant role in the student's achievement and school engagement. However, research has also focused on the importance of peers in an boyish's school experience. Specifically, having friends who are high-achieving, academically motivated and engaged promotes motivation and date in the boyish, while those whose friends are unmotivated, disengaged, and depression achieving promotes the same feelings (Shin & Ryan, 2014; Vaillancourt, Paiva, VĂ©ronneau, & Dishion, 2019).

Gender: Crosnoe and Benner (2015) found that female person students earn better grades, endeavor harder, and are more intrinsically motivated than male students. Further, Duchesne, Larose, and Feng (2019) described how female students were more than oriented toward skill mastery, used a variety of learning strategies, and persevered more than males. Still, more than females showroom worries and anxiety nigh schoolhouse, including feeling that they must delight teachers and parents. These worries can heighten their try simply pb to fears of disappointing others. In contrast, males are more confident and practice not value developed feedback regarding their academic performance (Brass et al., 2019). At that place is a subset of female person students who identify with sexualized gender stereotypes (SGS), however, and they tend to underperform academically. These female students endorse the beliefs that "girls" should exist sexy and not smart. Nelson and Brown (2019) found that female students who support SGS, reported less desire to chief skills and concepts, were more skeptical of the usefulness of an education, and downplayed their intelligence.

Life of a high school student: On average, high school teens spend approximately 7 hours each weekday and one.1 hours each day on the weekend on educational activities. This includes attention classes, participating in extracurricular activities (excluding sports), and doing homework (Office of Adolescent Health, 2018). Loftier school males and females spend nigh the same amount of time in class, doing homework, eating and drinking, and working. However, they practise spend their time outside of these activities in different ways.

  • High school males. On boilerplate, loftier schoolhouse males spend about one more 60 minutes per day on media and communications activities than females on both weekdays (two.9 vs. 1.viii hours) and weekend days (4.8 vs. 3.8 hours). They as well spend more time playing sports on both weekdays (0.9 vs. 0.v hours) and weekend days (1.2 vs. 0.v hours). On weekdays, high school males get an hour more sleep than females (9.2 vs. 8.ii hours, on average).
  • High school females. On an boilerplate weekday, high school females spend more time than boys on both leisure activities (1.vii vs. 1.1 hours) and religious activities (0.1 vs. 0.0 hours). Loftier schoolhouse females also spend more fourth dimension on training on both weekdays and weekend days (1.1 vs. 0.7 hours, on average for both weekdays and weekend days).

High School Dropouts: The status dropout rate refers to the per centum of 16 to 24 year-olds who are non enrolled in schoolhouse and do not have high school credentials (either a diploma or an equivalency credential such as a General Educational Development [GED] certificate). The dropout rate is based on sample surveys of the civilian, noninstitutionalized population, which excludes persons in prisons, persons in the military, and other persons not living in households. The dropout rate among high school students has declined from a rate of 12% in 1990, to 6.i% in 2022 (U.Due south. Department of Education, 2018). The rate is lower for Whites than for Blacks, and the rates for both Whites and Blacks are lower than the rate for Hispanics. However, the gap betwixt Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics accept narrowed (run across Figure 6.13).

Effigy vi.thirteen

The dropout charge per unit for males in 1990 was 12%, where information technology stayed until 2000. Thereafter the rate has dropped to 7.ane% in 2016. The dropout charge per unit for females in 1990 was 12%, and it has dropped to 5.1% in 2022 (U.S. Department of Instruction, 2018).

Reasons for Dropping Out of School: Garcia et al. (2018) reviewed the research on why students dropped out of schoolhouse and identified several major obstacles to school completion. These included: Adolescents who resided in foster care or were part of the juvenile justice arrangement. In fact, being confined in a juvenile detention facility practically guaranteed that a student would not complete school. Having a physical or mental health condition, or the need for special educational services, adversely affected schoolhouse completion. Being maltreated due to abuse or neglect and/or being homeless also contributed to dropping out of school. Additonally, boyish-specific factors, including race, ethnicity and age, besides every bit family-specific characteristics, such as poverty, single parenting, large family unit size, and stressful transitions, all contributed to an increased likelihood of dropping-out of school. Lastly, customs factors, such as dangerous neighborhoods, gang activity, and a lack of social services increased the number of school dropouts.

School Based Preparatory Experiences

According to the U. S. Department of Labor (2019), to perform at optimal levels in all education settings, all youth need to participate in educational programs grounded in standards, clear performance expectations and graduation exit options based upon meaningful, accurate, and relevant indicators of student learning and skills. These should include:

  • Academic programs that are based on clear state standards
  • Career and technical education programs that are based on professional and industry standards
  • Curricular and program options based on universal design of school, work and communitybased learning experiences
  • Learning environments that are small and safe, including extra supports such as tutoring, as necessary
  • Supports from and by highly qualified staff
  • Admission to an assessment system that includes multiple measures, and
  • Graduation standards that include options.

Teenagers and Working

Many adolescents piece of work either summer jobs or during the schoolhouse twelvemonth. Belongings a job may offer teenagers actress funds, the opportunity to learn new skills, ideas nearly future careers, and perhaps the true value of money. All the same, there are numerous concerns almost teenagers working, especially during the school year. A long-standing concern is that that it "engenders precocious maturity of more adult-similar roles and trouble behaviors" (Staff, VanEseltine, Woolnough, Silverish, & Burrington, 2011, p. 150).

Several studies have found that working more than xx hours per calendar week can lead to declines in grades, a general disengagement from school (Staff, Schulenberg, & Bachman, 2010; Lee & Staff, 2007; Marsh & Kleitman, 2005), an increment in substance corruption (Longest & Shanahan, 2007), engaging in before sexual behavior, and pregnancy (Staff et al., 2011). All the same, like many employee groups, teens have seen a driblet in the number of jobs. The summer jobs of previous generations accept been on a steady decline, according to the United states Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2016). See Figure half-dozen.xv for recent trends.

Figure 6.15

Teenage Drivers Driving gives teens a sense of liberty and independence from their parents. Information technology tin also complimentary upward time for parents every bit they are not shuttling teens to and from schoolhouse, activities, or work. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2022 young drivers (fifteen to 20 year-olds) accounted for v.5% (xi.7 one thousand thousand) of the total number of drivers (214 1000000) in the US (National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA), 2016).

Even so, most 9% of all drivers involved in fatal crashes that year were young drivers (NCSA, 2016), and co-ordinate to the National Middle for Wellness Statistics (2014), motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for xv to 20 year-olds. "In all motorized jurisdictions around the world, immature, inexperienced drivers have much college crash rates than older, more than experienced drivers" (NCSA, 2016, p. 1). A teen's risk of an accident is especially high during the commencement months of receiving a license (CDC, 2018a). The charge per unit of fatal crashes is twice as high for young males as for young females (CDC, 2018a), although for both genders the rate was highest for the 15-20 years-onetime age group. For immature males, the rate for fatal crashes was approximately 46 per 100,000 drivers, compared to twenty per 100,000 drivers for immature females. The NHTSA (NCSA, 2016) reported that of the young drivers who were killed and who had alcohol in their system, 81% had a blood alcohol count past what was considered the legal limit. Fatal crashes involving alcohol use were higher among immature men than young women. The NHTSA besides found that teens were less likely to apply seat belt restraints if they were driving under the influence of alcohol, and that restraint utilise decreased equally the level of alcohol intoxication increased. Overall, teens have the lowest rate of seat belt utilize. In a 2022 CDC survey, only 59% of teens reported that they e'er wore a seat chugalug when riding as a passenger (CDC, 2018b). Crash information shows that almost half of teenage passengers who die in a automobile crash were not wearing a seat belt (Insurance Plant for Highway Safety, 2017).

In a AAA study of non-fatal, only moderate to severe motor vehicle accidents in 2014, more than than half involved young male drivers xvi to 19 years of age (Carney, McGehee, Harland, Weiss, & Raby, 2015). In 36% of rear-finish collisions, teen drivers were following cars too closely to be able to stop in time, and in single-vehicle accidents, driving besides fast for weather and road conditions was a cistron in 79% of crashes involving teens. Distraction was also a gene in nearly 60% of the accidents involving teen drivers. Fellow passengers, often also teenagers (84% of the fourth dimension), and cell phones were the top two sources of lark, respectively. This information suggested that having another teenager in the car increased the risk of an accident by 44% (Carney et al., 2015). According to the NHTSA, 10% of drivers aged 15 to 19 years involved in fatal crashes were reported to be distracted at the time of the crash; the highest figure for whatever historic period group (NCSA, 2016). Lark coupled with inexperience has been found to greatly increment the hazard of an accident (Klauer et al., 2014). Finally, despite all the public service announcements warning of the dangers of texting while driving, four out of 10 teens report having engaged in this inside the past 12 months (CDC, 2018b).

The NHTSA did observe that the number of accidents has been on a turn down since 2005. They attribute this to greater driver training, more social awareness to the challenges of driving for teenagers, and to changes in laws restricting the drinking age. The NHTSA estimates that the raising of the legal drinking historic period to 21 in all 50 states and the District of Columbia has saved 30,323 lives since 1975. The CDC also credits graduated commuter licenses (GDL) for reducing the number of accidents. While GDL programs vary widely, a comprehensive program has a long practice menstruum, requires greater parental participation, and limits newly licensed drivers from driving under sure loftier-chance conditions (CDC, 2018a).


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Adjusted from Affiliate vi from Lifespan Development: A Psychological Perspective Second Edition past Martha Lally and Suzanne Valentine-French under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Akin 3.0 unported license.


Source: https://uark.pressbooks.pub/hbse1/chapter/cognitive-development-in-adolescence_ch_20/

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