To shave or not to shave? Does it really make hair grow faster or thicker?

Here's one of those pieces of beauty advice that gets passed along from woman to woman, and faithfully heeded by many who want to maintain the feel of smooth, fuzz-free arms and legs for equally long as possible.

Applying a razor to trunk pilus, it seems, is deemed to be a large no-no when information technology comes to methods of pilus removal. While shaving is a lot quicker, easier and cheaper to achieve than, say, using an epilator or going for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation treatments, it's been said to cause hair to grow dorsum thicker and faster.

If you've really noted that hair regrowth following shaving feels thicker than information technology used to be, you are non entirely wrong – information technology's truthful that hair regrowth volition "feel" thicker post-shaving.

Just is it, in fact, thicker than information technology was previously? Apparently not.

Enquire whatever dermatologist, and he or she will tell you that shaving doesn't change the thickness of hair – your genes determine how fine or thick it is (hither, we mean the actual width of each hair strand; not thickness in relation to the amount of hair you have).

What well-nigh speed – does hair grow back faster post-obit a shave? It may be true, just if you lot compare regrowth from shaving in contrast to that from waxing, but non in terms of the actual charge per unit of hair growth.

On that notation, some people even believe that shaving may stimulate hair growth, quantitatively speaking (which tin can be desirable if we are talking about hair on the head, of class). But logic will tell you that this is a complete myth, because if information technology were true, hair loss woes wouldn't even exist.

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So what exactly is true or false? Hither'south what you demand to know to separate the facts from the old wives' tales.


When you run a razor across the hair shaft, information technology removes the pilus higher up the surface of the skin, while the residue of the hair is still underneath the skin. Cutting the hair with a blade creates a direct, blunt tip, which will feel "thick" or coarse for a short while every bit information technology emerges through the skin. If, still, it is allowed to grow further, the tip will so naturally taper and become "softer", while the unabridged hair remains the exact thickness it has always been.

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(Photo: Unsplash/Mel Poole)

If you lot've ever been told that waxing or epilation is a meliorate hair removal method than shaving, information technology tin can be true, if information technology's said in the context of hair regrowth, as opposed to other factors like convenience or cost.

With waxing or epilation, the hair is pulled out at the root, which means the tip grows out "thinner", since it doesn't have the blunt stop of hair that is shaven. In other words, you might be able to extend the time betwixt hair-removal sessions, since the regrowth won't feel every bit stubbly or "obvious" equally that from shaving.

At the same fourth dimension, it is in fact true that with waxing and epilation, the regrowth volition take a longer time to emerge in comparison with that from shaving. The explanation?  Shaving leaves part of the hair intact underneath the peel, "waiting" to emerge from information technology before long, while plucking out the pilus removes information technology entirely.

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For (most) guys, shaving is a daily thing and has different implications. Only one thing that'south no dissimilar hither, however, is that many men, also, believe that shaving tin can make their hair grow thicker and faster, and thus assistance them grow a fuller moustache or beard – for the record, that is not truthful.

The aforementioned aforementioned scientific reasoning behind such mistaken thinking applies here – at that place's no difference whether you are male person or female, or whether the pilus in question is on the face, trunk or head, of class. Think shaving your head volition boost hair growth? You lot might take improve luck signing upward for a series of good scalp treatments instead.

What's more of import for men is knowing how to reduce stubble and delay the emergence of those prickly, blunt-cut hair ends for those who tend to take a v o'clock shadow.

While shaving is the only option for men when it comes to managing their facial hair, there are techniques to help you achieve a ameliorate shave. Want to extend the time earlier stubble emerges from the skin's surface? Information technology all boils downwards to getting the closest shave possible, or reaching every bit much hair as possible with your razor.

Some tips that are easy nevertheless essential: Firstly, shaving in the shower is ideal, since the steam will open up upward your pores. Secondly, pre-shave products similar shaving oil or foam are in that location for a reason – they soften your pare and hair so that the razor can reach deeper towards the hair root.

Finally, always utilize a abrupt bract. Putting in a little more endeavour in your shaving ritual tin can significantly make regrowth more than manageable, even if information technology won't alter its thickness or actual speed of growth.


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